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Email campaigns

A 6-part email series to boost leads for an IT Recruitment Company

E newsletters

A bi-weekly newsletter for a designer fashion retail company.


Spec emails for a cleaning company and clothing store



SEO blogs and articles

A selection of my recently published blogs and articles for various companies and publications. 


Spec Advertorials for Dryrobe and a Fell Running Retreat

Product Descriptions for Clothing

Product descriptions for luxury clothing store 

Girls hair accessories

An introductory text for girl's hair accessories

Vitamins and supplements

An informative introduction to vitamins and supplements.

Gift cards for Hotel chain

A promotion of e-vouchers for a luxury hotel chain


Expert Guide Venice

A comprehensive guide to the beguiling and beautiful city of Venice

Newsletter and Direct Sales Letter

A Direct sales letter for membership to a gym

Brochures and Leaflets

Some brochures and leaflets

Course Descriptions

A summary of a Project Management Course

Social Copy

Under Construction

Press Releases


e newsletters

Our Clients

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

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